Master Class: easescreen Resource Expert

Advanced training on the eSign Platform (setup and customization), design templates for eSign and eInk.

The training will take place from 19 to 20 January 2021.

The training hours are
- 19 January: 10 am till 12 noon & 2 till 5 pm (CET)
- 20 January: 10 am till 1 pm (CET)

Trainer: Bernhard Tödtling

The training is held as an interactive workshop. For this reason we recommend the use of a webcam.

We have prepared the following agenda for you:

- eSign resource management
- eSign installation & configuration
- eSign Android & eInk
- creating design templates

The certificate easescreen Certified Professional (courses Designing Professional easescreen Networks 1 + 2) and an online-pre-test are required. You get the link for the test after your registration.

For easescreen partners training courses are free of charge.

You will receive the link to the web conference with the registration confirmation.​

If you have any questions, please contact

Best regards,
Your easescreen team
easescreen Digital Signage Solution
Wiener Straße 287
8051 Graz, AUSTRIA
+43 316 6728520
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